'You're a retard': The powerful video EVERYONE must see

In recent years, it seems society has become increasingly desensitized, and the hurt we inflict upon others, is nothing but a second-hand thought.

But a comment here, and there, to a stranger you don't even know because you're having a bad day, has a long-lasting, detrimental effect upon another.

THIS video will make you think twice, three times, before a derogatory word ever leaves your mouth  — words are powerful and have the ability to destroy one's inner fabric, confidence and self-esteem.

It is the third installment from STATE Bag's #WhatDoWeTellTheKids series. This one is entitled “THE R WORD VIDEO”

See the clip below and you will see what we mean about how hurtful words can be:

The video was shot and directed by Emmy Award winner, Kat Misko and conceived by STATE Bags co-founder Scot Tatelman and features incredible advocates from YAI who simply asks the question, why? Why is the R word still being used when it's so hurtful to so many?

Why? Indeed.

Scot writes on the STATE Bags blog: “In nursery school, I was placed in a class with Evan Sneider – a boy with Down Syndrome who I witnessed being teased and called “retarded” all the way to Senior year of high school. This word has become my biggest pet peeve, hearing it said by highly educated people, celebrities, and even friends, so I finally did something about it.

“So that we can continue the mission of those in this video, disabled youth and adults across the world and my friend, Evan, we encourage you to spread this link around so we can eradicate the R Word forever.

“As a thank you for opening their doors and hearts, STATE will donate new backpacks to the youth and adults at YAI – an organization that is making a profound impact on countless lives.”

But this video, despite being difficult to watch as we see people's anguish laid out bare, provides hope.

STATE Bags is truly an exceptional brand who are out there really making a difference. To discover more about their inspiring  philanthropy efforts, read our interview with them here. We encourage everyone to purchase a backpack and #GIVEBACK as their efforts in helping humanity is something we could all learn by.


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Article by melissa

Melissa Myers is a trained journalist working in London and New York. She worked for national newspapers in the U.K. as a celebrity journalist and was the News Director of In Touch magazine in the U.S. In 2017, she focused on making a difference in the world and launched her website kindnessandhope.org. Melissa also builds websites for various clientele and runs social media campaigns for non-profits.